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Friday, October 27, 2006

Hey Guys! Check Your Member's Area!
How KEWL !

Steve Gaghagen

Does Your Life SUCK?
Click Here To UN-SUCK Your Life!

I've been saying that changes were coming to the Member's Area at PIF4P. Well......

They're Here! AND.....They're Great!

Check yours.

You know how I've struggled to simplify the setup process for my enrollees. That's why I finally came up with the 7-Step process I posted on the blog the other night.

Well, Paul and Joel have simplified it even more. The "7-Step Process" is no longer necessary. New enrollees can now simply "Follow the big red buttons"....Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3. Can't get much more simple than that. AND...... there is really no need for them to even go to the "Affiliate Links" menu at all.......all those steps are covered, affiliate links uploaded, AND the Response Magic autoresponder is upgraded, all in the three red buttons......just follow the process.

Direct Matches and Adland Pro are now included in the setup proceedure, AND the new enrollee
is signed up in those services directly under you, and trained in their use to get them going quickly so they can get signups right away.

I would like to urge ALL PIF4P'ers to go through this process carefully yourself. You need to know what happens there so you can teach your enrollees how to duplicate it.
This is going to make things so much easier for you, AND so much more DUPLICATEABLE for your enrollees.

I'd like to draw your attention to something else:

In case any of you are still in any doubt about the "quality" or "trustworthiness" of the people you're working is an example of just who you guys are working with and learning from:

Before today, the $17.95 per month required to upgrade and maintain your Response Magic autoresponder was money that went completely to Response Magic. That is no longer true. Beginning today, Paul and Joel have negotiated an arrangement with Response Magic that you will love:

From now on, whenever anyone you enroll pays their monthly $17.95 to Response Magic, YOU will receive 15% of that as commission from RM!

That means there is still another way in which the system will work to pay your operating costs and to GROW your business.
I'm sure you'll all agree with me that the Pay It Forward For Profits system is becoming easier and easier to use, and more effective whenever anyone learns how to use it correctly.

Have a good day, all.........


Call or e-mail if you need me.

About the Author:

Steve Gaghagen is the owner of this blog,
an actor, director, author, Realtor, and
Internet marketing entrepreneur. He makes
his home in Big Bear Lake, California, where
he is owned by a dog named Cimarron.

To Find The Best Home Based Business Ideas And
Opportunities So You Can Work At Home Visit:

Steve Gaghagen's
Online Home Business Learning Center


ProWealth Solutions


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"I-Marketing Secrets that I-Learned The HardWay!",
and Download Your FREE e-Book,
"The Contact List Builder", by Janet Legere


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Final Version:


7-Step Process For Beginning PIF4P Enrollees

I Promise This Is The LAST ONE!

Steve Gaghagen

I'm sure you're all going to be overjoyed to see this, but hey, folks, this is a learnin curve for all of us. I'm just a little ahead of most of you, so....stuff happens.

I've been refining what I believe to be a simple and clear start up process for all new enrollees in the Pay It Forward 4 Profits System. Joel and Paul are upgrading and updating the Member's area as well, so some locations might change, but essentially, what I'm posting here is a good foundation for us all to work with.

It now includes 7 steps, and here it is:

7-Step Configuration and Startup Process For Newbies

1) Getting Started Checklist.

2) Listen to "Crash Course In Funded Sponsoring" found under the Training tab.

3) Affiliate menu - "Setup Your Complete Funded Sponsoring System". Start at the top and work down finishing with "Upload Affiliate Links".

4) Get On A Quick Start Call. (Schedule found in the Live Training section under the Training tab)

5) Do Day 1 And Day 2 of the Success Guide (Found under the Marketing tab).

6) Get On A Fast Start Traffic School Call. (Schedule found as in #4 above)

7) Get back into Success Guide, Starting on day 3 and just keep on going. Keep on attending the Fast Start Traffic School calls, and as much Training as you can.

Also, in the Live Training schedule, you'll see a place to register for the online conference training sessions held by Janet Legere. I also recommend those. I consider her my mentor (though she might not know it....LOL), and the sessions are great.

There it is...FINALLY.

I've also found a way to keep this post on top, I believe. If I can do that, I'll keep it right here for a while so it's easy to find.

As always, please call if you need me. Our team is just about 60 members right now, and I believe we'll hit 100 before the end of November. We're from all parts of the world, from Austrailia and India, to Singapore, Finland, the UK, the US, and Canada. Many of you are now enrolling members of your own, and it's becoming very exciting.

Remember that this blog is here for you. I'm sure you'll eventually want to set up your own for your own team, but feel free to refer your own enrollees here until you do.

Keep up the good work everybody. The Pay It Forward 4 Profits system really does work if you simply DUPLICATE the process. Don't try to re-invent the wheel. Joel Broughton and Paul Birdsall have already invented it and handed it to you. Just follow the process, at your own speed, and everything else will follow.

L8R !

About the Author:

Steve Gaghagen is the owner of this blog,
an actor, director, author, Realtor, and
Internet marketing entrepreneur. He makes
his home in Big Bear Lake, California, where
he is owned by a dog named Cimarron.

To Find The Best Home Based Business Ideas And
Opportunities So You Can Work At Home Visit:

Steve Gaghagen's
Online Home Business Learning Center


ProWealth Solutions


Get Paid While Building Multiple And Massive Opt-In Lists!
Subscribe Here To My FREE Online Newsletter:
"I-Marketing Secrets that I-Learned The HardWay!",
and Download Your FREE e-Book,
"The Contact List Builder", by Janet Legere


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Janet Legere:
Pay It Forward 4 Profits Online Training
Next Monday

Steve Gaghagen

For everyone who is interested, Janet Legere holds a Pay It Forward 4 Profits online training session every Monday at 8PM (EST). These sessions are invaluable to anyone who seriously wants to learn how to use the PIF4P system correctly and effectively. Janet is a world famous coach and mentor in the Internet marketing field. She came to PIF4P just a couple of months ago, and is now the #2 enroller in the organization.

I recommened two things here:

1) If at all possible, attend her workshop on Mondays. These are online, conference room situations, so you need to register to get the passwords, the free software, etc. You can register through the link below:


When you are asked who referred you, simply put in my name.

2) For those of you interested in some serious coaching and personal mentoring from one of the most successful people in this industry, you should check out the link to "The Contact List Builder". You'll find it under "Services" in the links section to your right as you read this blog. "The Contact List Builder" is Janet Legere's coaching and mentoring program, known all over the world for turning out powerful and successful Internet marketers. For those of you who are well along and getting your business to a productive and growing level, Janet Legere is your place to go for advanced training. Those of you who are just starting out as well: don't be shy about speaking up and turning to Janet if you feel you need something more than the PIF4P training and the guidance I can provide.


That's probably it for today, folks. Remember, I'm always here to help if I can, so call, e-mail, Skype, or hit me up on the IM's.

L8R !

About the Author:

Steve Gaghagen is the owner of this blog,
an actor, director, author, Realtor, and
Internet marketing entrepreneur. He makes
his home in Big Bear Lake, California, where
he is owned by a dog named Cimarron.

To Find The Best Home Based Business Ideas And
Opportunities So You Can Work At Home Visit:

Steve Gaghagen's
Online Home Business Learning Center


ProWealth Solutions


Get Paid While Building Multiple And Massive Opt-In Lists!
Subscribe Here To My FREE Online Newsletter:
"I-Marketing Secrets that I-Learned The HardWay!",
and Download Your FREE e-Book,
"The Contact List Builder", by Janet Legere


Monday, October 16, 2006

Time Management For Home Business Owners
by, Jason Gazaway

Steve Gaghagen

Does Your Life SUCK?
Click Here To UN-SUCK Your Life!

Found this article by Jason Gazaway that I thought you might enjoy. Jason can e found at , and is the author of "The Home Based Business Index Newsletter". He is a recognized expert in the field of home based businesses and working at home.

I like his stuff a lot because he usually agrees with me.....LOL.

Hope you learn and enjoy.

Time Management For Home Business Owners

By: Jason Gazaway

As each day passes, and more and more things need to get done with your business, you may find yourself alittle overwhelmed with how much is left to be done. This is nothing new, and a problem that almost every home business owner encounters.

There are too many things to do, and such little time! So how does one get all of these things done without interfering with family and friends time? The answer is simple enough, but not very easy to do. It's called Time Management. Managing your time to make your time spent during "business hours" the most productive it can be.

There are many distractions when running an online business that many people easily become victims of. Some at home examples are things that consist of your everyday. Things like the chores that need tending to, eager kids simply wanting your attention, the television blaring, dogs barking, errands that need to be ran, and on down the line.

Some classic examples of distractions that occur online are not as easy to identify, but can consume many hours if you're not aware of this. A good example includes just "surfing" for something, and you get sidetracked and end up reading something that you weren't even looking for to begin with! Another classic example is how many times you check your email a day, or how much time has passed before you last checked it. How much time do you spend visiting discussion boards or online communities? What about the emails you respond to? How much of your time is consumed by that? These are all examples of distractions that can get in the way of your businesses productivity.

It all boils down to time management. Listed below are some good things to consider when using your time online for business.

1) Make A List:

You've probably heard this before and with good reason! Write the things you need to do with your business down on a piece of paper. List in order the things by two factors. One is the importance, and the second is which of the things you least would like to do.

Once you have your list, put them in order of the things most important and are you're least favorite at the very top of the list. This way, the more important things that need to be done will get done first, and you won't procrastinate because it's written down. As you progress with your list, you'll find that the last things you need to do will go by very quickly because you'll enjoy doing it.

2) Set a time Limit
Let's say you spend on average 2 hours browsing forums and discussion boards on a daily basis. Is this really necessary? I mean, there are alot of good resources out the on forums, and you get to interact with like-minded individuals.. but is this helping your business?

The best way to stick to a plan is by giving yourself a specific amount of elotted time for each activity you conduct online. If you normally spend 2 hours in forums, and think this is simply taking too much away from your business, set a limit on how much you do it. Say to yourself, "Ok Jason, I will participate in forums for no more than 45 minutes. From exactly 12:15 to 1:00 today, I will spend this time browsing forums and being an active member." And stick with it!

3) Give Yourself A Break!
This may sound a little contradictory, but it's very true. If you have been working consistently for a few hours online, and find yourself to be slipping into the "dull glare" mode, give yourself a break. Step away from your computer for 30 mintues, and move around. Go to the fridge and grab a nice cold drink, and relax a bit. When you get done, you will feel more fresh and will be more focused on your list that you've already made to complete your daily business tasks.

4) Punish Yourself For Not Sticking With It.
This may seem a little weird, but it will work if you give it a chance to. For example, let's say that you need to get something done by a certain date and you don't. To make things more productive for you, punish yourself for not getting it done! I personally love those Little Debbie "Star Crunch" cakes. I usually have one every day. One time I told myself, I said, "Self, if I can't eat a Star Crunch unless I get these webpages uploaded by 5:20 today!". And when 5:20 came, I didn't have it done. So I punished myself for not completing the task by the time I set. I didn't eat one that day. Let's say you have a favorite TV show you absolutely love watching. You must complete 3 things on your list before you can watch it. And stick with it! Believe it or not, it actually works! But only if you stick with it.

Having many distractions can make things a bit more difficult with productivity when spending your time online. The first things to do to solve the time management problem is to identify what things are keeping you from being productive in your online business. The next step is to avoid these things at all costs. The hardest part is identifing these distractions. But after you do, more than half the battle is already over! I wish you much success with your businss and all your on and offline goals!

Article written by Jason Gazaway, webmaster and owner of and publisher of the "HBBI Newsletter". To subscribe to this free home business newsletter, simply visit his site listed above or send a blank email to: for more details.


Good, huh? Try some of his ideas....they work.

That's it for today, Folks!


About the Author:

Steve Gaghagen is the owner of this blog,
an actor, director, author, Realtor, and
Internet marketing entrepreneur. He makes
his home in Big Bear Lake, California, where
he is owned by a dog named Cimarron.

To Find The Best Home Based Business Ideas And
Opportunities So You Can Work At Home Visit:

Steve Gaghagen's
Online Home Business Learning Center


ProWealth Solutions


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Subscribe Here To My FREE Online Newsletter:
"I-Marketing Secrets that I-Learned The HardWay!",
and Download Your FREE e-Book,
"The Contact List Builder", by Janet Legere

Newbies Training Process & Call Schedule

Steve Gaghagen

Does Your Life SUCK?
Click Here To UN-SUCK Your Life!

How many of you were on the Janet Legere training session today? Many of you, I hope. It was a good one. She made a couple of points I'd like to re-iterate here:

1) When you first join Pay-It-Forward-4-Profits, there is a lot of information made available to you. In fact, there's TOO MUCH information. At first it can seem so daunting that we can become like deer in the headlights: frozen and unable to move.

Don't let this happen to you. Understand something here: NO ONE EXPECTS YOU TO KNOW EVERYTHING TOMORROW!
In fact, no one expects you to know ALL of it EVER.
The Success Guide is a HUGE load of information. It's designed that way, not so everyone will do everything in it, but so you can find several marketing methods that fit and that you're comfortable with, either financially or psychologically. Picking any three or four marketing methods within the Success Guide, and doing them with focus and dedication, will assure your success.

Also, be sure you don't try to do too much at one time. We're talking a lot lately about TrafficSwarm, Direct Matches, Top Surfer, etc., and the list can go on and on. Well, just because you hear about something doesn't mean you have to put it into your marketing plan TODAY. In fact, it doesn't mean you have to put it into your marketing plan AT ALL. It simply means that there is a tool available that you might want to look into, evaluate, and possibly incorporate.

Remember: This is Not A Sprint.....It's A Marathon.
Read the article I posted a day or so ago about being a hedgehog or a fox.

Be the Hedgehog! Take your time. Incorporate one thing at a time, at your own pace. When you do incorporate something, stay focused. Don't get side-tracked by this web page, or that offer, or this new product or system. There's a gazillion things out there. If you don't stay focused you'll become what's known as a "program hopper". Those are the people who always say, "I tried everything, but nothing worked". Well, no wonder!

One more thing on this: If you find yourself "stuck" on something, like one day in the Success Guide, or setting up one traffic exchange, DROP IT! Just get UN-STUCK, move on, and go on to something else. Sometimes we want to be so letter-perfect that we neglect to write anything. Just let it go and move on.

The main point here is this: cut yourself a little slack. Go at a comfortable pace for you. If that's slower than the guy on the terminal next to be it.

Guess what...the Internet will still be there when you arrive.

2) The process for new enrollees: I liked what Janet said this morning. Mainly because it's what I've been saying since the new call schedule went into effect. I'm expressing it a little differently, and I think it's a little clearer, but it's basically the same.

This is a little more detailed than the last time I posted it, and it's designed for an absolutely perfect situation, which rarely happens. But, that said, here's how I like to see it go:

What New Enrollees should do, and what you Sponsors should tell your new Enrollees:

1) Complete the Getting Started Checklist. That includes "Setting Up Your Complete Funded Sponsoring System", the affiliations menu on the left hand side of your Member's Area. They should also listen to the "Crash Course In Funded Sponsoring" recording found under the training tab in your Member's Area.

2) Get on a Quick Start Call to make sure your system is correctly configured.

3) Complete Day #1 And Day #2 in the Success Guide found in the "Marketing" tab of your Member's area. This will get you aquainted with your new websites and what they do. It will also make sure your autoresponders are upgraded and loaded correctly.

4) Get on a Fast Start Traffic School Call, and pick up on Day 3 in the Success Guide.

Once you're into the Success Guide, you can start to check out some of the tools we have links to here in this blog. As you can see, there are tons of them available, and now I've got them seperated into catagories so things are easier to find.

I also made an .html file of the PIF4P call schedule, and mounted the page on the net so you can view it or download it to your computer. I keep it on my desktop so I always have it handy.

Here's the link to download the schedule:

It's also over to the right for viewing any time you need it.

Well, there we are for today. If you ask me, you guys are doing great. We are really starting to build a team here, and I want all of you to feel free to call, e-mail, IM, Skype....whatever. Contact me anytime with any questions or suggestions.

That's it 4 Now!


About the Author:

Steve Gaghagen is the owner of this blog,
an actor, director, author, Realtor, and
Internet marketing entrepreneur. He makes
his home in Big Bear Lake, California, where
he is owned by a dog named Cimarron.

To Find The Best Home Based Business Ideas And
Opportunities So You Can Work At Home Visit:

Steve Gaghagen's
Online Home Business Learning Center


ProWealth Solutions


Get Paid While Building Multiple And Massive Opt-In Lists!
Subscribe Here To My FREE Online Newsletter:
"I-Marketing Secrets that I-Learned The HardWay!",
and Download Your FREE e-Book,
"The Contact List Builder", by Janet Legere


Sunday, October 15, 2006

Are You The Hedgehog...
...Or The Fox?

Steve Gaghagen

Does Your Life SUCK?
Click Here To UN-SUCK Your Life!

Yuck! A hedgehog...

Not the most glamorous of all the beasts to compare yourself
with, for sure. So how did the lowly hedgehog become the
mammalian mentor for us all?

After all (and no offense to all you hedgehogs out there), it
appears to be nature's accidental cross between an armadillo and
a porcupine -- slow moving, methodical, prickly and not all that

The fox, on the other hand, is...well...FOXY! A quick-witted,
sleek, fast and agile predator, the fox seems to have the
attributes that we can easily imagine we share? (And even if we
don't, we pretend.)

Why compare a hedgehog to a fox anyway? It all started with
ancient lines of poetry that were found from a fragment of verse
by Greek poet Archilochus which says:

"The fox knows MANY things, but the hedgehog knows ONE big

One thing! And that's a good thing?

What about Renaissance men like Leonardo Da Vinci? He's one of
the exceptions to a very perplexing rule according to Jim
Collins, author of the classic business best-seller "Good to
Great". He picked up on the ancient hedgehog vs. fox comparison
in his book. All top level CEOs he says are very hedgehog-ish.

He tells this story:

"Day in and day out, the fox circles around the hedgehog's den,
waiting for the perfect moment to pounce... (The emerging
hedgehog) waddles along, going about his simple day, searching
for lunch and taking care of his home."

While minding his own business, focusing on vittles, the hedgehog
wanders right into the path of the fox. Sensing danger, he rolls
up into a perfect little ball, becoming "...a sphere of sharp
spikes, pointing outward in all directions. The fox, bounding
toward his prey, sees the hedgehog defense and calls off the
attack...Each day, some version of this battle between the
hedgehog and the fox takes place, and despite the greater cunning
of the fox, the hedgehog always wins."

The hedgehog ALWAYS wins!

Think about this: Are you a hedgehog, or a fox?

Your answer holds the key to whether you'll be successful in
business or life!

Nobody wants to be a hedgehog. Admit it. How boring is that?

He doesn't see much of the world. He's too focused for that. He
doesn't learn all the latest hunting tools and tricks because his
world view is boiled down to just what he needs.

In "Good to Great," a terrific book by the way, Collins says the
hedgehog "reduces all challenges and dilemmas to simple -- indeed
almost simplistic -- hedgehog ideas."

"For a hedgehog, anything that does not somehow relate to the
hedgehog idea holds no relevance."

Ever known anyone so focused that they could only pursue a single
goal? Ever known anyone so focused on that goal that nothing else

Think about Olympians. Even thought the Winter Olympics may be a
distant event to us, there's a 10-year old girl somewhere who
gets up at 3:30 every morning to practice figure skating
compulsories for four hours before school. The Winter Olympics is
all she thinks about.

And NOTHING else matters!

Foxes on the other hand, "pursue many ends at the same time and
see the world in all its complexity. They are 'scattered or
diffused, moving on many levels.'"

Multi-tasking with too many balls in the air at once already,
we're asked to do more and be more. Our bosses want us to be
busy, working hard, doing as much as possible.

Yet the fox "who pursues many ends at the same time" NEVER wins!

And the guy who gets the promotion or has the very successful
business is the one who focused on fewer tasks and did them

That was one of Collins' points -- instead of demanding too much
from employees and executives; we should demand one BIG thing.

Think this doesn't apply to you? Wanna bet? You're an employee or
an executive -- or both -- if you're self-employed. And just
because you may wear many hats doesn't get you off the hook
either. Focusing on the hedgehog ideas even when you're doing the
grunt work is the key to your success.

Okay, so it's good to be a hedgehog.

How do we become one if we're a fox by nature?

It's simple. You act as if...

What would the hedgehog do? He'd focus on hedgehog ideas. Don't
know what your hedgehog ideas are? Sure you do. You're just not
focusing on them. This will help:

1) What six things are vital to the success of your business this

2) Narrow it down to three -- two's better

3) Make 'em BIG

4) Focus on those only

5) Nothing else matters

Make this part of your soul. Eliminate everything that is not
helping you focus on your goals.

Keep working at it and some day you'll be a hedgehog too.

About the Author:

Steve Gaghagen is the owner of this blog,
an actor, director, author, Realtor, and
Internet marketing entrepreneur. He makes
his home in Big Bear Lake, California, where
he is owned by a dog named Cimarron.

To Find The Best Home Based Business Ideas And
Opportunities So You Can Work At Home Visit:

Steve Gaghagen's
Online Home Business Learning Center


ProWealth Solutions


Get Paid While Building Multiple And Massive Opt-In Lists!
Subscribe Here To My FREE Online Newsletter:
"I-Marketing Secrets that I-Learned The HardWay!",
and Download Your FREE e-Book,
"The Contact List Builder", by Janet Legere


Friday, October 13, 2006

Correction To Call Schedule

Steve Gaghagen

Does Your Life SUCK?
Click Here To UN-SUCK Your Life!

It was called to my attention that the call schedule had actually changed since I posted it several days ago. The Friday Fast Start Traffic School call had changed to 1PM EST

I will point out that the change was reflected in the "Live Training" section of your Member's Area, but in the interest of clarity, I'm posting correctly again, and I've changed it in the previous post.

Quick Start Call Schedule:

Mon: 1PM (EST)
Wed: 1PM (EST)
Thurs: 8PM (EST)

Call-in #: 1-646-519-5800 / PIN#: 9810

The Quick Start Call is now the FIRST ITEM OF TRAINING for all new enrollees.

After a new enrollee attends the QS call, you will direct them to "Set-Up Your Complete Funded Sponsoring System", the black menu items on the left hand side of their Member's Area. They should start at the top button and proceed downward through each button there, ending with "Upload Your Affiliate Links". That will get their system put together and ready to go.

At that point, new enrollees should proceed to Day 1 and 2 of the "Internet Marketing Success Guide", which will get them aquainted with their new websites and their autoresponders and how they work together.

AFTER they have completed those chapters in the Success Guide, THEN new enrollees should go on to the "Fast Start Training School" call.

Here is the schedule for that:

Fast Start Training School Call Schedule:

Tues: 8PM (EST)
Fri: 1PM (EST)

Call-in #: 1-646-519-5800 / PIN#: 9810

OK.....that's it.



About the Author:

Steve Gaghagen is the owner of this blog,
an actor, director, author, Realtor, and
Internet marketing entrepreneur. He makes
his home in Big Bear Lake, California, where
he is owned by a dog named Cimarron.

To Find The Best Home Based Business Ideas And
Opportunities So You Can Work At Home Visit:

Steve Gaghagen's
Online Home Business Learning Center


ProWealth Solutions


Get Paid While Building Multiple And Massive Opt-In Lists!
Subscribe Here To My FREE Online Newsletter:
"I-Marketing Secrets that I-Learned The HardWay!",
and Download Your FREE e-Book,
"The Contact List Builder", by Janet Legere
OOPS! Wrong Link!

Steve Gaghagen

Does Your Life SUCK?
Click Here To UN-SUCK Your Life!

Apparently I included the wrong link for Top Surfer in last night's post. Inadvertently, I gave you the one to their current special on the Wholesale Membership upgrade. So I told you it was free, and then sent you to a site that cost $10. Clever me.

Here is the correct one, and the others on this site have been changed as well:
Join Top Surfer For FREE For REAL Here

I do recommend that you upgrade to a Wholsale Membership with this site. It's much more effective and it's also very cheap, but at least with this link you can actually join free......

See what happens when we try to do too much, or take on too much, at once? We make mistakes.

Sorry if it was an inconvenience to anyone.


About the Author:

Steve Gaghagen is the owner of this blog,
an actor, director, author, Realtor, and
Internet marketing entrepreneur. He makes
his home in Big Bear Lake, California, where
he is owned by a dog named Cimarron.

To Find The Best Home Based Business Ideas And
Opportunities So You Can Work At Home Visit:

Steve Gaghagen's
Online Home Business Learning Center


ProWealth Solutions


Get Paid While Building Multiple And Massive Opt-In Lists!
Subscribe Here To My FREE Online Newsletter:
"I-Marketing Secrets that I-Learned The HardWay!",
and Download Your FREE e-Book,
"The Contact List Builder", by Janet Legere

Audio Blog!

Activate The Player....And Let's Talk!

Steve Gaghagen

Does Your Life SUCK?
Click Here To UN-SUCK Your Life!

Have a listen, and then....

Have a Good Day!

Contact me if you need me....
SKYPE: steve.gaghagen
AIM: primoschminke

About the Author:

Steve Gaghagen is the owner of this blog,
an actor, director, author, Realtor, and
Internet marketing entrepreneur. He makes
his home in Big Bear Lake, California, where
he is owned by a dog named Cimarron.

To Find The Best Home Based Business Ideas And
Opportunities So You Can Work At Home Visit:

Steve Gaghagen's
Online Home Business Learning Center


ProWealth Solutions


Get Paid While Building Multiple And Massive Opt-In Lists!
Subscribe Here To My FREE Online Newsletter:
"I-Marketing Secrets that I-Learned The HardWay!",
and Download Your FREE e-Book,
"The Contact List Builder", by Janet Legere


Thursday, October 12, 2006

Short Blog Tonight -

-Direct Matches

Steve Gaghagen

Click Here To Un-Suck Your Life!

Good evening / morning to all. I hope you're getting a lot out of the blog. I'm told that last night's article did help to assuage some of the misapprehensions about "getting behind" that some of you were apparently feeling. That's good. We all do what we can do, and we're all going to move at our own pace, worries.

On the Fast Start Traffic School call on tuesday, Rick Jorgensen spoke about Direct Matches, a networking website that is an excellent place to generate some traffic to your website. As you know, you need a referral link to join there and I was having some trouble obtaining one. Last night Janet Legere passed me hers. I joined, upgraded for more mailbox size, poked around the site some so I would know what I was talking about if you had questions, and now I can pass my link on to you:


You can go there and join, and then simply follow the directions Rick gave on the FSTS call. Within the next day or so, for those who couldn't attend the call, I will be posting directions for what to do when you have a Direct Matches account. Look for that before the end of Sunday night (PST).

Remember, the Fast Start Traffic School calls are not duplicates. They will change, as I'm sure the Quick Start Calls will change. I heard the first FSTS call on Tuesday, but I plan to attend the call again tomorrow evening. As Rick said, there are many subjects that will be covered in upcoming calls, and I'm sure we can all benefit.

That's it for now. Will blog later tonight if I can. Take this link for Direct Matches and pass it on to your downlines. If you don't know what to tell them to do with it, let them know to listen to the FSTS calls, and give them the url for this blog.

One last idea: since there are a few of you now who are beginning to build downlines (you know who you are), you might want to keep a record of where you can find certain subjects covered in the archives of SteveTalk. For instance, Direct Matches will end up in the October '06 Archive. You might want to write that down or actually save the url to the post so you can pass on the url or the info to locate the article at a later time. Hey! Put together an index as we go, and insert it into your autoresponder messages.....automate and duplicate!
Don't forget my FREE Google Advertising Bribe! Timeframe is approaching its end. If you don't know what Im talking about, you'll find it in a post from earlier this week (scroll down).

Have a good night.

About the Author:

Steve Gaghagen is the owner of this blog,
an actor, director, author, Realtor, and
Internet marketing entrepreneur. He makes
his home in Big Bear Lake, California, where
he is owned by a dog named Cimarron.

To Find The Best Home Based Business Ideas And
Opportunities So You Can Work At Home Visit:

Steve Gaghagen's Online Home Business Learning Center


ProWealth Solutions

Success University

Get Paid While Building Multiple And Massive Opt-In Lists!
Subscribe Here To My FREE Online Newsletter: "I-Marketing Secrets that I-Learned The Hard Way!", and Download Your FREE e-Book, "The Contact List Builder", by Janet Legere


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Lotsa Treats, Tools, And.....
..... A Rant!

Steve Gaghagen

Click Here To Un-Suck Your Life!

Well, I got a lot of stuff for you tonight, so let's get going......

First off, I just want to say that I realize I'm loading a ton of stuff onto my Pay It Forward 4 Profits members here on the blog. Please, as you often hear me say, don't let yourself get overwhelmed.
Setting up your PIF4P business correctly, moving from there into free marketing techniques, taking your first steps into more aggressive advertising, and from there into exploding the size and momentum of your Pay It Forward business, is a step-by-step process. Nobody, and certainly not me, expects you to implement all of the tools and strategies I've posted here over the last couple of weeks in one day! That's not how this is supposed to work.
Still, I've been talking to some of my students who are concerned because they're trying to download all of this information, the software, tools, and resources, on a daily basis....and then trying to implement it all in one day!
Remember: This is a marathon....not a sprint!

Some of this may stem from misunderstanding about how a blog works. You should know that these posts aren't going anywhere. If you look at the menu on the right, you'll see a section called "Archives". Everything I post here for you will stay right on this page for 30 days. After that, it will simply move into the "Archives" section. There's not much there now, if anything, because the blog isn't old enough, but soon that area will begin to be a great repository of information.

Also in that menu, you'll see a little search box utility that says "Search This Blog". That search box is provided by Technorati, a blog index website. Steve-Talk is indexed by Technorati, so if you want to find anything I've posted about....oh, say'd simply put GDI in the search box. Then a window would open and you'd be at Technorati. There you'd find every post I've ever done that mentions GDI, with the title and first five or six lines of the post visible in a list.

So...don't worry. If you've just come aboard, or you feel you're you're getting behind on what I'm posting......RELAX. It will all be here when you're ready for it.
You should at least read through anything new here before starting work. If you see something you want to download and implement today...put it on your list, but only if adding it is reasonable scheduling (see my previous post concerning Time Management). If not, download whatever it is and put it in a "To-Do" file to be scheduled when it is reasonable and feasible. Alternatively, you could simply make a note to come back to the post another day.

Another thing before we get started: Those of you who were on the "Fast Start Traffic School" call last night got some really good information. First you learned about Traffic Swarm, and Rick gave you an address where you could download instructions and software for maximizing your use of TS.
Well, if you're checking in here, you probably realized that Rick's stuff is exactly what I posted here about two nights before the call. Don't want to blow my own horn...but I will:

Also on last night's call, you heard a mention of Direct Matches. I've known about Direct Matches for a while, but DM is a "by invitation only" organization, so I've not gotten in as yet. On the call they also told you to contact your Sponsor for that invitation, and several of you have done so already.
The problem here is, as most of you know, I have the Sponsor from HELL, a person I've been able to speak with exactly once since I began PIF4P several months ago. I did send him an e-mail asking if he was a member and if he would send me his invitation link, but I'm not hopeful. I also e-mailed Rick Jorgenson and I e-mailed and called Paul Birdsall. Tonight I'll e-mail Janet Legere. I WILL obtain SOMEBODY'S link. As soon as I do, I'll pass it on to you guys.

All right...that said, here's this evening's GOODIES:


Some of you received e-mails from me this morning containing a link to join this brand new free traffic generating system. I'm glad to say that some of you have joined already. I received it from Janet Legere yesterday and am posting it here so it's always available to our Team Members. The technology here is simply amazing. I joined FREE and upgraded to a Platinum membership ($19.95 per month) to get the extra goodies. Whether you upgrade or not, you should download this thingy and make use of the free advertising credits you'll earn. Pass it down to your downlines as well.



You'll hear about Top Surfer in an upcoming Fast Start School Traffic call, but if you have the time, go ahead and join up for FREE and get it going. It's similar to TrafficSwarm, in that you surf for credits. They have a little different system of surfing, and a whole host of ways to advertise. I upgraded to a "Wholesale" membership, and that's REALLY a good deal, and allows you to make some money here as well. You can check that out when you get there, but like Desktop Lightning, you can get advertising for free, so just go ahead and join and set up your ads. When you get used to doing your daily TrafficSwarm thing, add another few minutes and surf Top Surfer as well. This one's actually a lot more fun than'll see why once you join. The different options it presents also make it very powerful. Check it out. It'll bring you TRAFFIC.



Instant Buzz, another Free to join Traffic generator, came on the scene about six months ago. It was recently purchased by Mike Filsaime. If you don't know who Mike will soon if you're going to be doing business on the Internet. Mike is one of the most famous Internet marketers in the world, a proponent of what is known as "Viral Marketing", and author of the book "The Butterfly Manuscript". Soon after Mike took over, Instant Buzz began online conference training calls conducted guessed it...Janet Legere, one of my mentors, who conducts online conference training sessions for Pay It Forward 4 Profits every Monday. Instant Buzz is another technological wonder, and you should join, at least on the Free level. By the way, if you're interested in Mike's book, send me an e-mail. I can get you a good deal. I'll send you an e-mail before Janet's PIF4P training session next week, so look for that.



TrackThatAd is another Mike Filsaime winner, in conjunction with Craig Heywood ("The Blue Guy"...don't ask, LOL). This is an incredible tool. If you've already clicked on any of the links above, you've seen Track that Ad in action. When you join FREE, you can enter your Pay It Forward 4 Profits website url and Track That Ad will transform it into another one. You then use THAT url (and you have a lot of cute little choices there) to promote PIF4P. You can enter it in your ads in TSwarm and Top Surfer instead of the conventional url supplied by PIF4P. When you use that url, your ad is can tell what source your hit came from, and WHO the hit was, even down to their ISP address.
If you upgrade at TTA, you can also employ this great list-building feature: When someone views your page through a TTA url, they will also see a spot where they can investigate and join TTA. If they click through there, you can have their information automatically sent to your Traffic Oasis autoresponder to enter them in the newsletter series you have over there. That's, of course, if you're a member there and have upgraded your account. At any rate, this is a great tool, and even at the free level you can build a downline in Track That Ad that will help to build your contact list like CRAZY. Plus, you know which of your ads are working and which aren't...something you MUST know to be effective. I wouldn't be without this one.


Well...there's a whole lotta poop for ya! LOL

Now, a rant:

Today I came across a Pay It Forward 4 Profits ad while surfing at Top Surfer (and yes.....I still crave FREE advertising!). Here was the Headline:

"Are You A Affiliate Loser?"

Anyone notice anything? Hmmm?

Not a bad idea as far as direction there...I mean, someone who runs an ad with the headline of "Does Your Life SUCK?" can't throw stones, so I won't go after the insult thing. From a marketing standpoint, shocking can be good.

No, what gets me here is the incorrect grammar. "...A Affiliate"?

Would you respond to an ad and sign up under someone who you might suspect was a functional illiterate?
No... You wouldn't, and neither would I!

Now, that doesn't mean you can't be a functional illiterate and still be effective in this can...and I know several functional illiterates that ARE!

BUT...and here's the BIG BUT...they check their ads.

That's a simple process. It just takes a moment, if you're not sure of something, to call someone and ask. But, here's a better process:

Write your ads out in a good word processor, like WordPerfect, Word, or OpenOffice Writer. Then just ask it to check the grammar! It will tell you if there's anything wrong AND make suggestions as to how you might correct it.

JEEZ! What an idea! Using correct grammar when you're trying to attract people to your business opportunity. What will they think of next!

Just a word to the wise....

Well that's it for this evening...

Wait! This just in:

I just got an Instant Message from Janet Legere in Canada. Once again this wonderful lady has come to my rescue! She's just sent me a link to join Direct Matches! I will do that this evening, and tomorrow I'll post a link here so you can all join as well.

Thanks, Janet.

Good Night, ALL.

About the Author:

Steve Gaghagen is the owner of this blog,
an actor, director, author, Realtor, and
Internet marketing entrepreneur. He makes
his home in Big Bear Lake, California, where
he is owned by a dog named Cimarron.

To Find The Best Home Based Business Ideas And
Opportunities So You Can Work At Home Visit:

Steve Gaghagen's Online Home Business Learning Center


ProWealth Solutions

Success University

Get Paid While Building Multiple And Massive Opt-In Lists!
Subscribe Here To My FREE Online Newsletter: "I-Marketing Secrets that I-Learned The Hard Way!", and Download Your FREE e-Book, "The Contact List Builder", by Janet Legere

OOPS! Watch For The "Anti-Fraud" Test On TrafficSwarm
Steve Gaghagen

Click Here To Un-Suck Your Life!

Two days ago I posted a method of building up your credits on TrafficSwarm, the best Free Traffic generation site out there, and one used by many Pay It Forward 4 Profits members. It's been pointed out to me that there was something I neglected to mention.

Watch out for TrafficSwarm's "Anti-Cheat", or "Anti-Fraud" test ads!

As a means of making sure that no one is using any kind of mechanical surfing software, and therefore not actually looking at the ads you post while surfing for credits, TrafficSwarm posts FAKE ADS on the system. These ads are always clearly headed:

"Anti-Cheat - Do Not Click"


"Anti-Fraud - Do Not Click"

The rest of the ad will look like it's advertising something you might actually see on TS, but the headline is clear and can't be missed...IF YOU ARE LOOKING!

If you click one of these ads, you'll get a warning. The warning states that: 1) you've gained no point, and 2) you have 5 clicks of anti-fraud ads allowed...if you click a sixth one, your account will be deleted.

Now, if your account is actually deleted, you can always open another with another e-mail address, BUT you will lose all of the credits you've accumulated.

This may all sound simple...just watch out for the fake ads. I can tell you, though, that if you're really buzzing along, using the method and software I gave you in my post of the other day, it's very easy to click before you realize what you're doing. I've got THREE anti-fraud clicks against me right now. The first I actually read. I clicked it because Ithought it was a real ad someone had created to be cute, and I wanted to see what the web site was! Boy, was I dumb! LOL. The second and third one I clicked on were simply because I was going fast and not paying attention.

So, watch for the "Anti-Cheat", or "Anti-Fraud" ads. Now I make it part of my process to simply scan all eight ads whenever I open a new page to see if there's one there. I do this before I start surfing the page. If there's one there I know I have to avoid it.

Be aware, also, that while surfing a particular eight ad group on TS, that every time you return to that page from viewing a full web page, the position of the eight ads is randomly shifted. That means that if there is an Anti-Cheat on the page...IT WILL NOT BE IN THE SAME POSITION AS THE LAST TIME YOU VIEWED THE PAGE! That was the reason I got my third violation: I knew there was an Anti-Cheat on the page I was surfing, but I incorrectly anticipated that it would be in the same place when I returned to the surf page, which it wasn't. out for the ANTI-FRAUD ads. They can gittcha!

Also, I just wanted to say that there must have been a GAZILLION PIF4P members on the Fast Start Traffic School call last night. I can tell because of two things: this morning every other ad I clicked I saw Joel and Paul's faces staring at me, AND my credits were zooming out of my account! That means there are more people surfing and more PIF4P members advertising.

Some might think that's a bad thing. I disagree. It does mean that your ad will be seen by more people who are already PIF4P members. But, it also means that the community of TS is also enlivened right now. The folks who are NOT PIF4P members will be sure to notice the increase of our ads. They are going to get curious as to why the increase, and they're going to start looking further into it. AND...they are still the VAST MAJORITY of TrafficSwarm users. So, don't be's a good thing.

Check back later...I'll be posting another FREE traffic generator that you can use WHILE you surf TrafficSwarm. It will get you more FREE hits, and I'll have it posted later today.

About the Author:

Steve Gaghagen is the owner of this blog,
an actor, director, author, Realtor, and
Internet marketing entrepreneur. He makes
his home in Big Bear Lake, California, where
he is owned by a dog named Cimarron.

To Find The Best Home Based Business Ideas And
Opportunities So You Can Work At Home Visit:

Steve Gaghagen's Online Home Business Learning Center


ProWealth Solutions

Success University

Get Paid While Building Multiple And Massive Opt-In Lists!
Subscribe Here To My FREE Online Newsletter: "I-Marketing Secrets that I-Learned The Hard Way!", and Download Your FREE e-Book, "The Contact List Builder", by Janet Legere


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Fast Start Traffic School Starts Tonight
Steve Gaghagen

Click Here To Un-Suck Your Life!

Just a reminder to all:

Fast Start Traffic School starts tonight.

Yesterday kicked off the new Quick Start calls for Pay It Forward 4 Profits members, and tonight we'll get the first Fast Start Traffic School call. This call is intended for all PIF4P enrollees who have completed the Quick Start call, and who have their Funded Sponsoring Franchise set up and ready to go.

The schedule for the new calls, as well as the ones continuing from the old schedule, is now posted in the Live Training section of your Member's Area. For your convenience, here again is the schedule for the new calls:

Quick Start Calls

Mon: 1PM (EST)
Wed: 1PM (EST)
Thurs: 8PM (EST)

Call-in #: 1-646-519-5800 / PIN#: 9810

The Quick Start Call is now the FIRST ITEM OF TRAINING for all new enrollees.

Fast Start Training School Call Schedule:

Tues: 8PM (EST)
Fri: 8PM (EST)

Call-in #: 1-646-519-5800 / PIN#: 9810

ALL PIF4P members should attend both calls, in that order, as soon as possible (and don't forget my GOOGLE ADWORDS $50 BRIBE - see below).
Then send your New Enrollees to the calls, also in that order. AFTER they've completed these two calls, you can send them to the Advanced Internet Marketing Success Guide.

One more thing: this is a suggestion I wanted to make on the Quick Start Call on Monday, but didn't have a chance.

It was suggested that the easiest way to inform your enrollees of the call schedule and the process was to initiate a Broadcast e-mail to your PIF4P list in Response Magic. That would work, of course, but members coming in after the broadcast would miss'd have to send the broadcast every few days.

Instead of doing that, I've simply automated the process, and you might want to do the same.

If you've upgraded Response Magic (and you definitely should if you're serious here), you can edit the announcement e-mail (the first one after the confirmation e-mail) to include the call schedule and instructions to attend them, along with instructions for your new enrollee concerning what order. Then they know the process right from the start: from Quick Start to Fast Track Traffic School, to Success Guide. They're also each informed individually right from the beginning automatically, and you never have to bother with it. Seems to me that this is the way to go.

That's it for now. Hope to see you on tonight's call.

About the Author:

Steve Gaghagen is the owner of this blog,
an actor, director, author, Realtor, and
Internet marketing entrepreneur. He makes
his home in Big Bear Lake, California, where
he is owned by a dog named Cimarron.

To Find The Best Home Based Business Ideas And
Opportunities So You Can Work At Home Visit:

Steve Gaghagen's Online Home Business Learning Center


ProWealth Solutions

Success University

Get Paid While Building Multiple And Massive Opt-In Lists!
Subscribe Here To My FREE Online Newsletter: "I-Marketing Secrets that I-Learned The Hard Way!", and Download Your FREE e-Book, "The Contact List Builder", by Janet Legere


Monday, October 09, 2006

Steve Gaghagen

Click Here To Un-Suck Your Life!

OK, I've spoken of this to several folks and said I'm passing it on, but rather than doing that individually, I'll do it here on the blog. All my team members should be checking in here daily for new posts, tools, and information. Those that aren't I don't consider to be serious anyway, so there you go.

For those of you who ARE here, I'm going to pass on to you now an extremely important tool:

We should all know about Traffic Swarm. It's one of the FREE affiliate programs in your Pay-It-Forward-4-Profits Member's Area under the tab "Upload Affiliate Links".

For those of you who have not yet set that up....STOP ANYTHING YOU'RE DOING AND DO THAT NOW! If you're signing people up without having completed that, you're signing them up in programs under me. Now, I don't really mind that (and I honestly would notice that and tell you right away), but the point is to set your system up so that these folks sign up in those programs under you. That way your "Proposal" (your Primary program) is "Funded" (advertising and lead collection to bring prospects to your primary program is paid for), and you have a fully functional "Funded Sponsoring Franchise" system working for you. So, if you haven't completed that, stop reading and do it now. Then come on back here and we'll get on with this. If you don't know how to do that, get on a "Quick Start" call and find out. The schedule for those calls is posted below in a previous post, and will appear in the "Live Training" section of your Member's Area in a day or so.

Now, back to Traffic Swarm........

I'm giving you access to two files. You can click on the links below, and download them to your computer. You will want to save them as you'll be referring to them all the time. One is an .htm file. that means it's actually a web page and will open in your web browser. The other is an Excel spreadsheet file. Those of you who have Microsoft Office, probably have Excel.

For those of you who don't have Excel....DON'T go buy it! It's expensive, and Bill Gates doesn't need any more money.

Go here:

There you can download the "Open Office" suite. It's exactly the same as Microsoft Office, with similar programs. It will open any Microsoft Office document or file, such as Word docs, and Excel spreadsheets. It will also save documents and files in its own format or in a multitude of different formats. In other words, you can create documents in it and then save them as Word docs or Excel sheets. The only difference is this: It's FREE! So get your Office Suite there and save yourself some money.

Anyway, you'll need to download these two files. The .htm file, called "Get The Most From TrafficSwarm", consists of your instructions for making good use of TS, and how to use the other file to help you. You want to save it to your desktop or some other hand place so you can refer to it often. You might want to print it out for reference.

The second file is the spreadsheet for use with the TS system. It's called; "Get The Most From TrafficSwarm FREE Software", and here's something VERY IMPORTANT. . . After you save a copy to your desktop, but before you use it for the first time, right click on the icon and choose "copy". Then right click on your desktop again and choose "paste". This will create a second copy. You're going to fill your first one with information. You'll need a clean copy to continue when the first one is full. Every time you begin to use a new copy, go through this process so you always have a new, clean copy of the software at hand.

One other note: I obtained these files from an associate of mine in England. You'll find his information all over them. I've modified them to suit our purposes here at Pay-It-Forward-4-Profits. On the spreadsheet, you'll find links to Paul's online lottery business in the UK. I just want to give you a word of warning.....I know that, in some circles, online gambling and lottery businesses are all the rage. However, I'm very politically aware, and right now there is a huge debate going on in Congress regarding these types of businesses. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find them outlawed, or at least very heavily regulated within six or seven months. I can't recommend that anyone in the US get involved with that type of business right now, simply because you might find yourself in a somewhat touchy legal situation in the near future. There's no question of legality in Europe, or even here at present. However, the near future looks ver bleak for the US as far as online gambling and lotterey businesses are concerned. We're all adults here, and anyone can do what they wish. I just wanted to make sure you all knew that I'm not in any way promoting Paul's business.

So, that said, here are your download links:

Click Here To Download "Get The Most From TrafficSwarm"

Click Here To Download "Get The Most From TrafficSwarm FREE Software"

Simply follow the directions, and you'll ramp up your TrafficSwarm results right through the roof!

As always, if you have questions, IM me, call, or e-mail. I'm here to help.

Until tomorrow..........

About the Author:

Steve Gaghagen is the owner of this blog,
an actor, director, author, Realtor, and
Internet marketing entrepreneur. He makes
his home in Big Bear Lake, California, where
he is owned by a dog named Cimarron.

To Find The Best Home Based Business Ideas And
Opportunities So You Can Work At Home Visit:

Steve Gaghagen's Online Home Business Learning Center


ProWealth Solutions

Success University

Get Paid While Building Multiple And Massive Opt-In Lists!
Subscribe Here To My FREE Online Newsletter: "I-Marketing Secrets that I-Learned The Hard Way!", and Download Your FREE e-Book, "The Contact List Builder", by Janet Legere

Great Call! Hope You Were There!

Also Got Some Help For "Newbies", Victims Of E-mail Police, and Some FREE Goodies As Well!

Steve Gaghagen

Click Here To Un-Suck Your Life!

Well, the Quick Start calls began this morning. I hope everybody was there. If you weren't able to attend, there are two more this week. Everyone on the team should attend one QS call, and then go on to the Fast Start Traffic School Call. The schedule and numbers for these calls is posted in yesterday's blog entry. You can find that below.

Now, it's come to my attention that a lot of you might be having trouble receiving my e-mails and those from PIF4P. The reason that's going on is that many ISP's are becomming "Thought Police" in their efforts to "Can Spam".

The large ISP's, like MSN, Verizon, Charter, AOL, etc., have programs in place that scan all e-mails looking for words that indicate that the message might be spam. Those words include, "confirm", "free", "order", and of course, anything like "Cialis", "Viagra", etc.

In other words, if I write to you that " I want my country to be free in order to enjoy the benefits of that type of society, and I hope you'll confirm that you feel the same", the message is likely to be considered Spam by the ISP.

Most ISP's store "Spam" messages in a folder within their we application. If you are using a stand alone client program for your e-mail, like Outlook Express, Eudora, or Incredimail, adding senders to your address ook in there will not help. The problem is before your mail ever gets's at you ISP. You'll need to go to your ISP's web mail interface. There you'll probably find a foldr marked "Spam" or "Junk Mail". Within that folder, you're likely to find a lot of e-mails from me or PIF4P, or one of the other companies you've affiliated with.

After you've located this folder, most ISP's will give you a choice that will allow you to tell them to let messages from a certain sender pass on through. You'll see something that will say, "Add Sender To Address Book", or "Whitelist", or "Allow Sender". However your particular ISP presents it, you need to so that with all of the e-mails you want to receive. From then on, the ISP will know that it's OK to let you receive this e-mail.

Some ISP's have gone further. Charter, for instance, is apparently deleting e-mails without ever delivering them. I've had several instances of this reported to me by Charter users. Charter determines that a message might be spam, using their particular algorithym, so they simply dump it completely, and the owner of the e-mail address is never even informed. Isn't that special?

In my opinion, this is a particular threat to your business and mine. That's not to mention, of course, how it reeks of "Big Brother" deciding what's good for you to see and what's not.

Just as a side comment here: that's one of the things that really excites me about being involved in the Internet Marketing Industry. We ARE engaging in commerce and business. However, we're doing it in the New Frontier. We are pioneers in what is destined to become the new boom of the 21st century. We are NOT part of "Big Business" or "Corporate America". Even if we affiliate with corporate entities of some kind or another, we are Independent Contractors, promoting what we decide to promote. We are the true vangard of a new way of doing business, and I believe that we will, in not too long a time, precipitate a shift in money and power away from the old-time corporate structure, and into the hands of ordinary Americans (and Canadians, Europeans, Asians, and Africans, etc.), that will make the Industrial Revolution look like a sunday school class! The "dot com" boom of the '90s was simply a "pre-shock", like all the little rumbles that preceed a major earthquake. When the REAL shock comes it's going to be huge, and it's beginning right now! and I are there, involved, contributing, and will be among the primary beneficiaries. It's so exciting!

Now, off the soapbox: Here's a suggestion as to how to get around the ISP problem...

You have a GDI account that you set up when you first enrolled in PIF4P. Now, the main purpose of that account is to enable you to enroll others in the GDI opportunity. However, why not use what GDI provides to you? You're paying for it; use it! At GDI, not only do you have the ability to create a 10 page web site (that's what my Online Home Business Learning Center is....why not create something similar for your enrollees??), but you also have the ability to create and use 10 e-mail addresses. GDI does not censor your mail, you get everything sent to you in your inbox. They also have a very fast and easy to use interface, or you can set it up as a POP3 account for use with your stand alone client. Once you've done that, just go to PIF4P, Response Magic, GDI, Traffic Oasis, and any other program you might have joined, and change your user info there. From then on, you'll get all your e-mails.

What?? You don't have a GDI account? For God's sake! It's $10 a month! Log into your Member's area, click on the botton that says "Setup Your Complete Funded Sponsoring System", and get one.

If you'd like to check them out directly, you can get a GDI account here:

Get Your GDI Account Here.

If you're not a member of Pay-It-Forward-4-Profits should be. You can enroll here:

Enroll In Pay-It-Forward-4-Profits Here FREE.

As most people reading this know, it's free, and it works, and I'll help.

OK, a couple of other things:

We do have some folks on the team who are not just Newbies at Internet Marketing, but Newbies as far as computers as well. I have one thing to say: get over it! Just kidding....

Seriously, there's nothing wrong with being inexperienced on the computer, we all start somewhere. The thing is, however, that this is going to be your workplace, and you need to become proficient as quickly as you can. My problem is that, as our team grows, I'm finding that I'm beginning to spend a lot of time teaching computer use, when I should be teaching marketing techniques.

So, here's a resource to help you guys out....and me. It's called "The Newbie Club". They provide all sorts of computer learning and tutorials. If you want to learn how to build your GDI web site, or if you just want to learn how to copy and paste in Windows, these guys are the place to go. I've used them to brush up on HTML language and have really gotten better at it, so if I'm talking to you here, just follow this link to check them out.

Join "The Newbie Club" Here.

Secondly, I did send a broadcast e-mail out to everyone giving them a link to RoboForm. However, since people haven't been getting e-mails, I'm going to post the link here so we can all come back to it if we need to. Roboform is a great little program that sits in your Internet Explorer toolbar and saves, stores, and remembers all your user names and passwords for your various websites. When you want to go to any site where you have to login, you simply drop down your "Logins" menu from RoboForm and click on the passcard for that page. RoboForm takes you there, enters your Uname and Password, and then clicks you right on through to the inside. It's a great little timesaver, and it's free. So download it and use it. It's kewl.

Download RoboForm Here FREE.

Also, if you haven't subscribed to my newsletter, "I-Marketing Secrets That I-Learned The Hard Way!", you can do so by following the link below. When you subscribe, you'll receive a FREE copy of the great e-book y Janet Legere, called "The Contact List Builder". Janet is a very well know Internet marketer, and the #2 enroller in PIF4P (behind only Paul present, but she's breathing down his neck). She's a great lady, has been a big help to me in my business, and she's written a wonderful resouce book for anyone interested in virally growing a large and responsive opt-in mail list. the book. Even if you're already in my newletter list, you can always opt out your duplicate account after you receive the go for it and read it. It's a great help.

So....that's it for today. Remember the Quick Start Calls, The Fast Start Traffic School Calls, and then the Success Guide. That's the new process of learning at Pay-It-Forward-4-Profits. Use it yourself, and send your enrollees along the same path you're following. If you have any questions, call me, browse the forum, check in here and post them in a comment. Every time a comment is posted, it's delivered to me in an e-mail, so use this forum for questions and comments both.

Until tomorrow........

About the Author:

Steve Gaghagen is the owner of this blog,
an actor, director, author, Realtor, and
Internet marketing entrepreneur. He makes
his home in Big Bear Lake, California, where
he is owned by a dog named Cimarron.

To Find The Best Home Based Business Ideas And
Opportunities So You Can Work At Home Visit:

Steve Gaghagen's Online Home Business Learning Center


ProWealth Solutions

Success University

Get Paid While Building Multiple And Massive Opt-In Lists!
Subscribe Here To My FREE Online Newsletter: "I-Marketing Secrets that I-Learned The Hard Way!", And Download Your FREE e-Book, "The Contact List Builder", By Janet Legere


Sunday, October 08, 2006

Pay-It-Forward-4-Profits Call Reminders...

Steve Gaghagen

Click Here To Un-Suck Your Life!

Now...all my students in PIF4P are supposed to be checking in here daily for news and updates. So....

...Just to see who's on the ball here: when you check in here today or tomorrow, I'd like you to simply make a comment here to let me know you stopped by.

Anyone who does...AND attends one "Quick Start" and one "Fast Track Traffic School" call by the end of this week.....will receive $50 in FREE advertising to start your Google Adwords account.

So, let me know you saw this by leaving a comment with your committment to attend the calls. AFTER you've attended both calls, let me know in an e-mail, and I'll provide you with the FREE advertising.

While you're at it, you can make any suggestions about stuff you'd like to see here or over at the Learning Center.

Now to the business:

Here is the new Call Schedule For PIF4P. I'm posting it here because it probably won't show up in your member's area until Tuesday.

As I described in my e-mail to everybody, the Quick Start Call is the FIRST thing you tell your new enrollees to do...

Quick Start Call Schedule:

Mon: 1PM (EST)
Wed: 1PM (EST)
Thurs: 8PM (EST)

Call-in #: 1-646-519-5800 / PIN#: 9810

The Quick Start Call is now the FIRST ITEM OF TRAINING for all new enrollees.

After a new enrollee attends the QS call, you will direct them to "Fast Start Training School". Here is the schedule for that:

Fast Start Training School Call Schedule:

Tues: 8PM (EST)
Fri: 8PM (EST)

Call-in #: 1-646-519-5800 / PIN#: 9810

These calls will be available in the Recorded Training section of your Member's Area a day or so after they happen, so if your enrollee can't make it live, send them to the recorded version.

AFTER an enrollee completes both of those....and is ACTING on them....that's when they go to the Success Guide. That has been re-named, and is now "The Advanced Internet Marketing Success Guide".

So...there's the new process. It will be much easier for enrollees and sponsors alike.

AND...there's the bribe: EVERYONE should attend these calls as soon as you can, whether you're a new enrollee or an actively recruiting sponsor. need to know what your enrollees are experiencing so you can help them with it, AND a little review never hurts anyone. I'm should as well. AND, you'll get $50 in FREE Google advertising if you do.

I want to remind everyone to check in at the Learning Center ( ) on a regular basis as well. I'll be creating a "Today's Lesson" page over there with things you might find useful. I'm trying to create a network of learning resources that all my PIF4P team can use to help with your businesses. Take advantage of it, please.

That's it until later. Looking forward to your comments. Let me know if you'll be on the Quick Start Call Tomorrow.

About the Author:

Steve Gaghagen is the owner of this blog,
an actor, director, author, Realtor, and
Internet marketing entrepreneur. He makes
his home in Big Bear Lake, California, where
he is owned by a dog named Cimarron.

To Find The Best Home Based Business Ideas And
Opportunities So You Can Work At Home Visit:

Steve Gaghagen's Online Home Business Learning Center


ProWealth Solutions

Success University

Get Paid While Building Multiple And Massive Opt-In Lists!