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Monday, December 04, 2006

"Executive Affiliates" :
Time Management Within Your
Pay It Forward 4 Profits System

Steve Gaghagen

Does Your Life SUCK?
Click Here To UN-SUCK Your Life!

I thought I'd take a moment here and explain the fairly new concept of the "Executive Affiliate ".

Some of you have heard this term around, in forums and possibly on live training calls. I know I've had several team members asking me just what it denotes. I did ask about it and here is the explanation:

An Executive Affiliate is simply a member who has decided to use their PIF4P system, and has affiliated with any or all of the programs necessary to make it work: GDI, Traffic Oasis, Success University, and a Primary Program.

One of the things that our PIF4P's system does so well, is assisting us with time-management. The designation of Executive Affiliate is simply a good way for us to
determine how much time we should be spending with someone. It's an easy way of labelling where our concentration of time will be directed, and it will assist you active PIF4P'ers greatly.

Let me explain that like this: As a PIF4P's Senior Manager, I am quickly approaching 200 Members. If any of these Members need my help in evaluating, configuring, or setting up their home business system, I am more than willing to accomodate them. There are many of you reading this that know that's true.

However, I simply don't have the time, and it's not my job, to chase people down and try to convince them to make use of their PIF4P's system. They have to decide that on their own ... I can't do it for them. The system is right there for everyone to see, we're all adults here, and that is a decision that is completely up to the individual.

So ... out of the group of "unaffiliated members " ... if these folks would like my help, I'm more than willing to provide it. However, they must contact me. My e-mail,
phone number, and IM id's are all in their Member's areas or in this article, and any one of that group is welcome to contact me for help at any time they wish. Just the simple act of contacting me tells me something: that you are serious about creating a home business on the Internet, and that you MIGHT be someone I should consider spending more time with. However, at this point, my PIF4P's system has not verified for me that these folks are committed to their own success to a point where I should devote much more time than is simply polite.

Now, the designation of Executive Affiliate is granted and applied to any associate who has affiliated with the programs I've mentioned above. At the point that someone becomes an EA, my PIF4P's system is e-mailing me with notifications, and verifying for me that this person has committed, in a concrete manner, to pursuing a business opportunity with me. They are now in my downline in at least one company, and it is now my responsibility to help them become successful in any way I can.

At that point, they will, rightly, have a claim on much more of my time and personal guidance than they did when they were simply a member. This is automated
time management that can be duplicated, because its built right into the system.

So, having said all this, and now understanding just what the term "Executive Affiliate " denotes, I would lay it out this way:

If you are a Member of our ProfitMasters Team, I applaud you and welcome you. I am there to assist you if you need me. If you have questions at any time, please feel free to call or e-mail and I'll do my best to answer them or at least direct you to the location within your system where the answer can be found.

If you would like closer guidance, and more of my time devoted to helping you to get your new home business up and running ... I would encourage you to become
an Executive Affiliate. The affiliate programs within your Funded Sponsoring Franchise system are necessary to make your system work. Without incorporating them into your system, it's not going to be effective anyway, and as a Senior Manager I need to devote my time to those folks who can show me that they actually are serious about their new business venture. I'm sure that, when you really think about this, you'll see how much sense it makes, and how this type of time management system will help you as you build your own business.

Those of you who are currently Executive Affiliates can testify to the fact that, once you've achieved this status, my time is yours to the absolute extent of my abilities, and that I will do everything I can to help you in any way you might need me.

So, those of you who are unaffiliated members, but who would like to begin to make use of your PIF4P's home business system ... the first step is to become an Executive Affiliate. When you do, call me or e-mail. Let's figure out from that point just what I can do to help you.

AIM: primoschminke
MSM: (no e-mail here please)
SKYPE: steve.gaghagen

Over and above that, there is one other step available to you that you can consider to insure your success at PIF4P's. That, of course, is The Advanced Mentoring

The Advanced Mentoring Team is Paul Birdsall's personal training and working group within PIF4P. I am a Member of the AMT, and 7 of the others who you will find on this week's ProfitMasters Leaderboard in your Team Newsletter are members as well. That's a good indication to you that we are speaking of something very powerful here.

As members of the AMT, we all work personally with Paul. Additionally, I devote the majority of my time to working with my AMT members. These are the people that I will actually seek out ... I will call them... to find out if I can help and if there's anything they might need from me. We work together on an almost daily basis, and each of them would tell you that I am always there for them and they can rely on me to make sure I'm aware of anything they might need from me.

If that is the kind of guidance and assistance you feel you might want as you put your PIF4P's system to work for you, and as you conduct your business over the next few years, let me know of your interest. Call or e-mail me and request information regarding the Advanced Mentoring Team. We don't accept everyone, but taking the initiative to contact me does go a long way to demonstrating that you just might be the kind of person we look for.

About the Author:

Steve Gaghagen is the owner of this blog,
an actor, director, author, Realtor, and
Internet marketing entrepreneur. He makes
his home in Big Bear Lake, California, where
he is owned by a dog named Cimarron.

To Find The Best Home Based Business Ideas And
Opportunities So You Can Work At Home Visit:

Pay-It-Forward-4-Profits -Enroll Like A MADMAN !!

3 Step Secret - We'll Set UpYour Complete Home Business FREE -
Then You Decide If You Want To Use It!

MasteringYour Primary - Maximize The Potential Of Your 3 Step Secret / PIF4P System!

Success University - Learn While You Earn

Steve Gaghagen's
Online Home Business Learning Center

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New 3 Step Secret Page

Steve Gaghagen

Does Your Life SUCK?
Click Here To UN-SUCK Your Life!

Some of you started to notice last Thursday ... those really observant and active folks ... you know who you are ... that the 3 Step Secret website had changed. The change was announced and explained on Saturday's Breakfast call. If you missed that one ... you missed a great one.

The new 3 Step Secret page is a stroke of genius. It's basically the same as the old one, BUT ... no one has to join GDI or anything else ... before they can gain access to their new PIF4P home business system!

Those who enter through the 3 Step Secret webpage are now given exactly what they want and should have ... full access to a great Internet Home Business system, including the training, live calls, recorded calls, the forums, the affiliate programs, and the entire Advanced Internet Marketing Success Guide ... all of it ... before they need to committ to anything at all.

I think this will be great. The Pay It Forward 4 Profits Funded Sponsoring Franchise system has no competition that's even close when it comes to providing a way to create a viable, solid, reliable, long-term and profitable home business. It just doesn't. Go look ... you won't find it.

So ... if your best "selling point" is simply that there's nothing else even like you (let alone better) ... why not just let everyone that wants to investigate have complete and total access. Then they can simply decide to use their system if they'd like ... or they can simply walk away.
At any rate ... that's now the 3 Step process, so if you haven't taken a look at your new webpage, go check it out.

The new 3 Step process has also caused some autoresponder changes. For those of you who have not yet done it, there is a new letter list to upload. To do that you would go to your Member's Area, and click on the "Marketing" tab. From the drop-down menu, select "Response Magic". Then select "Upload Response Magic E-Mails". At the page that follows, simply make the two boxes both say "New 3 Step", and then click "Copy E-Mails".

That will copy your new list over to Response Magic.

Remember this: Unlike the old process with the 3 Step Splash page, our new 3 Step members ARE MEMBERS OF PIF4P. The new 3 Step list is NOT a newsletter anymore. Our 3 Step list contacts have joined PIF4P, and the mailings they receive from your system are designed only to instruct and assist them with it's use... setting it up and getting it going so that they can start to use it to earn money as quickly as possible. That means that your Members appear now in two lists: PIF4P, AND 3 Step.

If you have any questions about all of this, please e-mail me or give me a call.

About the Author:

Steve Gaghagen is the owner of this blog,
an actor, director, author, Realtor, and
Internet marketing entrepreneur. He makes
his home in Big Bear Lake, California, where
he is owned by a dog named Cimarron.

To Find The Best Home Based Business Ideas And
Opportunities So You Can Work At Home Visit:

Pay-It-Forward-4-Profits -Enroll Like A MADMAN !!

3 Step Secret - We'll Set UpYour Complete Home Business FREE -
Then You Decide If You Want To Use It!

MasteringYour Primary - Maximize The Potential Of Your 3 Step Secret / PIF4P System!

Success University - Learn While You Earn

Steve Gaghagen's
Online Home Business Learning Center

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That I-Learned The Hard Way - Receive Your FREE Copy Of Janet Legere's "The Contact List Builder"!
